New case from yesterday. I am intentionally witholding information so it is not too easy. Once the right question is asked, I will provide more info.
52 y/o M now 20yrs s/p traumatic L AKA after a farming accident. Never able to use a prosthesis secondary to poor remaining muscle and bad fit. Ambulates with B crutches.
Has 10 yr history of slowly progressive atrophy of the L hand, now with 1yr of worsening function of the hand. He denies sensory changes or pain, just weakness...
weekly question #2
52 y/o M now 20yrs s/p traumatic L AKA after a farming accident. Never able to use a prosthesis secondary to poor remaining muscle and bad fit. Ambulates with B crutches.
Has 10 yr history of slowly progressive atrophy of the L hand, now with 1yr of worsening function of the hand. He denies sensory changes or pain, just weakness...
weekly question #2